Division of Graduate Studies

Transfer Credit For Graduate Students
Graduate credit may be transferred from graduate schools of regionally accredited institutions. Transfer credit is not automatic and is made upon the recommendation of the chairperson of the major department, the academic school dean, and the Dean of the Division of Graduate Studies. Credits are usually transferred during or at the end of the first semester of enrollment. Students should not assume that all graduate credits earned at other institutions will be transferred.
- Only those hours in which a student has achieved a grade of ‘B’ or better will be considered for transfer.
- A maximum of nine semester hours may be applied towards a masters’ degree. (Exception MSW program). A maximum of 15 hours may transfer at the doctoral level.
- Credits must be in an area that is the same or closely related to the major.
- A time limit of eight years applies to transfer credit for master and specialist level. A time limit of ten years applies to transfer credit at the doctoral level. A department or program may have different time limit, consult the Graduate Catatlog or your advisor.
- Complete the “Request for Transfer of Graduate Credit” form with your advisor
- List course(s).
- An official transcript must be attached.
- Only courses with a grade of “A” or “B” will transfer.
- Obtain the signature of your department chair.
- Bring form to the Division of Graduate Studies.
- Final approval is by the Dean of the Division of Graduate Studies.
- Approved form is forwarded to the Registrar’s Office.
Important Dates
Keep up-to-date with all important dates for the current semester at Jackson State University. If you have any questions about the information listed, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you further.

Division of Graduate Studies