Division of Graduate Studies

Petition For In-State Residency Status
Jackson State University applies the definitions and conditions as required by the State of Mississippi in the classification of students as residents or non-residents for the assessment of fees. Initial residency classification of an applicant for admission is determined at the time of admission. The University holds the student responsible for knowing and registering under the correct residential status. A student who willfully registers their status incorrectly will be subject to disciplinary action or dismissal and required to pay the fees they would have otherwise been required to pay.
Non-residents may petition the institution for a change of residency classification. A person who enters the State of Mississippi from another state and enters a system institution is considered a nonresident. However, that any person who has attained 21 years of age and has thereafter established residency within the State of Mississippi for 12 consecutive months after attaining 21 years of age upon swore affidavit and other representations, may petition the particular institution for a change of residency for the purposes of fees and tuition assessment.
The institution may make reasonable inquiry into the validity of the petitioner’s claim. Such petition of change of residency must be made on or before the last day a student may register without penalty (late fee).
- Students must complete and submit the “Mississippi In-State Residency Status Change Application” to the Division of Graduate Studies before the deadline. (The complete application must be made on or before the last day a student may register with a penalty (Late Fee). [The Academic Calendar is available at the Academic Affairs website].
- The student must provide proof of domicile in Mississippi for the prior 12 months BEFORE the semester starts. (copy of lease, deed, rent receipts with the legible student’s name and legible landlord’s name).
- The student must provide proof of Mississippi Voter’s Registration.
International Students
- The student must provide a copy of the Mississippi driver’s license and/or a copy of the students Mississippi State income tax, and/or proof of the student’s Mississippi employment, and/or proof of the student’s Mississippi bank account, and/or copies of the student’s Mississippi utility bills, etc.
- All international students are classified as non-residents except those aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States, and who reside in the State of Mississippi. An international student who petitions to be declared a resident of the State of Mississippi must prove that they have been accorded permanent residence by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service.
Married Students-Children of Employees-Military Personnel
- A married student may claim the residence of the spouse, or may claim independent status as any other adult.
- Children of parents who are members of the faculty and staff may be classified as residents without regard to the residence requirement of 12 months.
- Military personnel must provide a copy of the military’s student’s or qualifying military parent’s/guardian’s Mississippi leave and earning statement and/or Mississippi military orders and all applicable items
Keep up-to-date with all important dates for the current semester at Jackson State University. If you have any questions about the information listed, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you further.